The Road
Àâòîð: maddress Äàòà: 02.02.2011 @ 18:14:21 Ðàçäåë: Ïðîèçâåäåíèÿ íà ÷óæä åçèê
~ in 2009
This road was one lonely sad dusty gloomy deserted winding path. It was covered with small pebbles, every pebble singing its own song, own story.
One of the pebbles, orange it was, was whispering words, words running forming a story.
It was warm night. The sun was going its way to home and was covered with orange- red dress. On the road one shadow was trying to follow its master. It was a shadow of a boy, bringing one battered black bass. The shadow was strange – it possessed one small body and huge head, but it was like that only because of the big curly black hair, tightened into one pony tail. The legs of the shadow were trudging through the dust, kicking around the pebbles.
All of a sudden, the master (with the huge pony tail) saw another shadow, flying over the pebbles. Shadow with tousled hair, full with protruding colorful tufts, half covered with orange kerchief.
A small whistle broke the thick silence. The tousled shadow turned away to meet the warm brown eyes of the master. In the pupils of the flying shadow, a surprise was read. Then a shy smile covered the dry lips but she ( the tousled shadow) tried to hide it, turning back again.
The master spoke with velvet bass voice: “Who are you?” The girl whispered: “Who do you want me to be?” The master smirked: “Still don’t know”. He made two wide steps and reached her: “Let`s stop for a while.” The girl just smiled and touched gently the dusty ground, covered with small pebbles, every pebble singing its own story. Suddenly they start laughing, pure laugh, singing with the thick air.
The master caught girl`s look. He whispered: “Interesting, laughing we looked like innocent children and now looking in your brown eyes, I see the woman in you.” The girl blushed when the master said shyly: “Don`t listen to me, I speak only rubbish.”
The sun kept its way to home, still covered with its orange-red dress.
The shadow with tousled hair full with protruding colorful tufts, murmured again: “Who do you want me to be?”
“Mine” answered the master. They were extolling the sunset.
The whisper of the orange pebble faded away.