In this costly life,
I am swinging left and right.
Nationalists, Labourists and Pseudo-Democrats.
My collar clamps me, My collar is tight.
I feel like a woman among Looney primates...
There was a girl once,
she lived behind Curtains.
She was picking bricks out of The Wall..
She was marching blindly in a column of soldiers,
Like a vintage mechanical doll.
The Flags (on the flagpoles) were
changing their colours
The main-spring was fully wound up..,
a mechanical doll was marching and singing,
The girl, caught in Lucifer’s trap…
One day,
the sprockets of the mechanism,
creaked loudly and stopped instantly
Awaken, the girl has escaped from her prison
The girl that used to be Me..
I went on a journey,
I reached The Horizon.
I stopped at The Edge of the World.
The ocean was huge, The Islands were gracious.
The friendly wind caressed my curls.
At first glance,
The Edge looked like a paradise garden.
The Inhabitants - smiling and very polite.
No stress, no hysteria. Fresh start, new targets.
Whale riders, Fiords and Whitebait.
But after a while,
when The Wall Street sank deeper,
The Recession arrived as black as The Death.
Nationals, Labourists and spoiled money-keepers ...
The swinging began. Left, right... Right and left!
Unemployed youths
and desperate mothers.
Users of drags and of party pills.
The everyday life reminds me of a black market,
Men trade their souls. Who Pays The Bill?
In this costly life,
I am swinging left and right.
Nationalists, Labourists and Pseudo-Democrats.
My collar clamps me, My collar is tight.
I feel like a woman among Looney primates ...